PWU Submission on Fall Economic Statement Clean Tech Investment Tax Credit

Power Workers’ Union Supplementary Submission on OEB’s Framework for Energy Innovation (FEI) Working Group (WG) Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA) Framework, Dec 2022. The completion of Ontario Energy Board’s (OEB) efforts to advance the Framework for Energy Innovation (FEI) as it relates to Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) has resulted in the FEI Working Group (FEIWG) delivering a series of final reports to the OEB in June of 2022. The PWU noted that many critical questions remained unanswered, including the development of the Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA) framework. This supplementary submission provides 20 recommendations on integrated planning, starting a BCA, modeling the electricity system, considering environmental attributes and societal impacts, decision criteria and format of the BCA outcomes for the OEB to consider as it plans its next steps to develop a BCA framework.

Download the report here
