
As the year comes to a close, we can reflect on another successful and busy season. PWU Members have continued providing clean and reliable electricity to the citizens of Ontario. Beyond our borders, PWU Members assisted utilities in the southern U.S states, restoring power to thousands of people, businesses and hospitals after the devastating effects […]

This spring flew by, just as quickly as I’m sure this summer will. Within this time, the PWU head office has kept very busy, with press conferences, events, ceremonies and more, there hasn’t been a shortage of work to do. A significant event happened in March of this year, the retirement celebration for PWU Legal […]

Since our last newsletter, the PWU and Members participated in Labour Day parades around the province, we hosted our annual Council of Chief Stewards, elected representatives attended national conferences such as CUPE and the OFL, and the PWU’s Indigenous Relations Committee hosted their first symposium. The PWU devoted many hours to attending and advising, the […]

The PWU is continuing to look to the future, protecting and creating opportunities for PWU Members while advocating for energy reform in Ontario that strengthens and modernizes Ontario’s electricity system. The PWU is committed to the following principles: Create opportunities for sustainable, high-pay, high-skill jobs; ensure reliable, affordable, environmentally responsible electricity; build economic growth for […]

This past year has been a blur, leaving as quickly as it came. Looking back on what has been accomplished in 2022, I am proud of all the PWU members who have persevered through almost 3 years of a global pandemic and kept on generating, transmitting, and distributing reliable electricity to Ontario. We are indeed […]

Seventy-five years ago, 2,600 employees at the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario decided to join forces and become a Union. When I look at the challenges we have faced together over the last 12 months, I think it is very fitting that this year marks the PWU’s 75th Anniversary. The past year has demonstrated […]

As we approach the holiday season, we can look back on 2020 and reflect on the many challenges we have faced, as individuals and as a Union. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the Union to make fundamental changes to the way we accomplish the business of the organization and provide services to the Membership. I […]

We are currently facing challenging circumstances. We may be facing an unprecedented situation with the Covid-19 outbreak. But as always, our strength is in our solidarity. It’s the way we come together when it’s time to do battle and put away any differences that matters.

Here we are already in the month of December, getting in the holiday spirit and another year, 2019, is about to pass. Together, we’ve continued to meet the challenges facing our membership, families and society. I think we can safely say, some positive things have been accomplished that helped advance our collective values. I will […]

For many, this past Labour Day weekend marked the end of summer – vacations are done, and it’s the last big break before school starts. It’s a day that should be more widely acknowledged for what it really is. Labour Day is when we should all celebrate our workers’ rights. It is the brothers and sisters of yesterday’s and today’s labour organizations that helped pull […]

It’s no secret that the current government is not enacting “pro-labour” policies and that unions, one by one, are in the cross-hairs. Daily television, print, radio programs and social media postings are filled with stories about the government’s latest anti-labour initiative. Avoiding the turmoil is impossible – there’s a battle brewing. This is not the first time our union has faced this situation in our seventy plus year history. Nor, based on my 38 years of experience in the industry, will it be the last.

My December message mentioned some of our collective achievements and challenges going forward. Now, I would like to share with you what your Executive sees coming at our Union over the next several years, and how we intend to address them with your support.

I hope you are all enjoying a great summer with your families and friends! These past few months have been busy ones for the Power Workers’ Union (PWU). Not only have we made significant advancements at the bargaining table; we’ve also been working on initiatives and events to connect with our membership and communities.

I hope you are all enjoying a great summer with your families and friends! These past few months have been busy ones for the Power Workers’ Union (PWU). Not only have we made significant advancements at the bargaining table; we’ve also been working on initiatives and events to connect with our membership and communities.

On April 28th Canadian flags will be lowered to half-mast, and millions of Canadians will gather together in workplaces and communities across the country to participate in Day of Mourning ceremonies. It is impossible for me to express the deep sadness and despair that rips through families, co-workers and communities when workers involved in workplace accidents lose their lives or suffer life-altering critical injuries.

“Although January is now behind us, I still want to wish you all good health and prosperity throughout 2018.

“It has been an extremely eventful year. 2017 has brought change, growth, prosperity and success for the Power Workers’ Union.

Mel Hyatt, President of the Power Workers’ Union (PWU) addressed the Council of Chief Stewards on September 27, 2017. In his inaugural President’s Report to Council, he articulated the tremendous honour he feels in representing the PWU as President. He then spoke to the Council about the PWU’s past, present and future.

New PWU Leaders Take Oath of Office It is with great pleasure and pride, that the PWU announces Mel Hyatt as its fifteenth President following his acclamation to the President’s Office at the 2017 PWU Election Convention held at the Markham Hilton Suites on June 20 and 21, 2017. Former PWU President Don MacKinnon had […]

President’s Day of Mourning Message For more than 30 years, on April 28, Canadian flags have flown at half-mast, and workers have gathered together, across the country, to bear witness to those who have been needlessly killed at work, and to participate in Day or Mourning ceremonies. These ceremonies help us re-energize our efforts, in […]

Over Ten Thousand Sign Petition in Support of Extending Operation of Pickering Over ten thousand people have now signed the “Pickering 2024” online petition to support the province’s plan to extend the operation of the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station to 2024. The Ontario government’s decision to extend operations of the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station (PNGS) to 2024 […]

Year-End Message From President Don MacKinnon 2016 was another very successful and tremendously busy year at the PWU and in our industry generally. The Holiday Season is a time of year to reflect on accomplishments of the past year and to recharge our energy levels, a time to reach out to friends, family and loved ones […]

TORONTO HYDRO AND COGECO PEER 1 EMPLOYEES MERGE INTO POWER WORKERS’ UNION A merger between CUPE Local One and the Power Workers’ Union (PWU) is now final. CUPE Local One Members at Toronto Hydro and Cogeco Peer 1 Communications, voted with 92% approval to merge into the Power Workers’ Union on Thursday, September 15, 2016. […]
“Three Amigos” Statement on a North American Climate, Clean Energy, and Environment strategy On June 29 Prime Minister Trudeau, U.S. President Obama, and Mexican President Peña Nieto released a joint statement confirming a shared commitment to a competitive, low-carbon, sustainable North American economy. This should be good news for the likelihood of successful climate change […]
Contracting Out Responsibility for Safety is Risky Business for Employers On March 29 of this year Hydro Ottawa was found guilty and fined $225,000 in relation to charges filed in 2012 by the Ministry of Labour pursuant to Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act. On March 22, 2012, three employees of Dig Safe, a sub-contractor installing […]
The electricity sector in Ontario, as in other parts of the world, is experiencing massive and rapid change. In the past six months we have seen a changing of the guard at the top of the house of OPG, Hydro One, and now Bruce Power. Changes at the Chief Executive Officer positions of all three […]
A Year End Message from President Don MacKinnon PWU Proposes Extending Pickering Nuclear Generating Station Operations Bruce Power Reactor Refurbishments Get the Go Ahead Merger Proposal Approved by Municipalities 2015 PWU Health and Safety Activist Awards 2015 PWU Community Volunteer Awards Get Your Flu Shot! View as PDF
Don MacKinnon Named Leader of the Year by Electricity Human Resources Canada Inside Workers at Great Lakes Power Transmission Join PWU Private Sector Consortium to Operate Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Mental Health – Everyone’s Responsibility PWU Continues to Lead on Environmental Issues PWU Member Part of Pan American Medal Winning Dragon Boat Team View as […]
PWU Launches New Video Profiling the Union Special Report: The Sale of Hydro One, Pressure on Pensions and Government Austerity at the OPG and Hydro One Bargaining Tables Merger Status of PowerStream, Hydro One Brampton, Enersource and Horizon Utilities Bruce Power Reactors Relicensed Look Out For Summer Students in the Workplace PWU Hosts Annual Charity Golf […]
Day of Mourning: April 28, 2015 Ontario Budget Confirms Plans to Sell Majority Interest in Hydro One PWU/Hydro One Apprenticeship Program a Great Success Spots Filling Up Quickly – PWU Charity Golf Tournament 2015 View as PDF
Provincial Parties Respond to PWU Questions A Summary of What the Political Parties Have Been Saying Anonymity Cannot be Guaranteed When Calling the Ministry of Labour PWU Members Overwhelmingly Ratify New Collective Agreements at AMEC NSS, AECL and ESA Sector 1 Update National Day of Mourning: April 28th Workers Fined for Conventional Safety and Radiation Protection Violations PWU […]
Thunder Bay Generating Station Stops Burning Coal National Day of Mourning: April 28th Sector 2 Update PWU Reaches Tentative Agreement with the Electrical Safety Authority Recently Retired Staff Officer Dorothy Couvier Talks About Her Career as a PWU Representative PWU Contributes to Radio for Radiology Campaign in Owen Sound The PWU Supports the Move to Electric Vehicles The […]
President’s Report Sector 1 Update PWU Workers Ratify New Atlantic Power Collective Agreement New Power Purchase Agreement for TransAlta’s Plant in Ottawa Comes Into Force Hydro One Apprentices New Job Classification Staff Officer Joins the PWU Where Do We Get Our Electricity? Ontario College of Trades Reminder PWU Supports Student Robotics Team Top Stolen Vehicles View […]
Bruce Power Agreement Ratified PWU Workers at Vertex on the Front-Line of Hydro One Billing Complaints Vertex and the Ice Storm The Ice Storm From the Perspective of the PowerStream Customer Service Team PWU Members at the ESA’s Harm Reduction Services Pitch in During the Ice Storm Thanks From CUPE Local One How is PWU […]
Ice Storm, 2013 Bargaining Calendar, 2014 Settlement with Hydro One Protects PWU Jobs at Inergi and Vertex PWU Members Complete Health and Safety Instructors Course Last Coal Burned At Nanticoke Generating Station PWU and Hydro One Reach Multi-Year Forestry Staffing Agreement PWU Members Ratify Collective Agreements at the Portlands Energy Centre and Lake Superior Power […]
A Year-End Message From PWU President Don MacKinnon Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan First Collective Agreement Reached with Brookfield Power Wind Operations Federal Conservatives to Undercut Right to Refuse Unsafe Work for Federal Employees Proposed OPG Deep Geological Repository PWU Employers Win Safety Awards PWU Training Schedule January to June 2014 Have You Signed Up For […]
Thunder Bay GS Will be Converted to Advanced Biomass Blaming Workers for Accidents Will Not Improve the Safety Culture The Expedited Grievance Arbitration Process at Ontario Hydro Successor Companies Federal Conservatives Renew Their Attacks on Unions Former PWU President Honoured by CUPE The PWU Airs New Radio Ads Canadian Labour Congress Launches Television Campaign PWU […]
President’s Report, Council of Chief Stewards, September 25, 2013 Highlights from the Report of the Vice-President, Sector 1, to the Council of Chief Stewards Highlights from the Report of the Vice-President, Sector 2, to the Council of Chief Stewards Highlights from the Report of the Vice-President, Sector 3, to the Council of Chief Stewards PWU’s […]
Message from President Don MacKinnon Prince Wind Farm The Hiring Hall New Must-Run Agreement for Thunder Bay GS If New Capacity is to be Curtailed, Will it be Wind or Nuclear? Electric Vehicles Deliver Economic and Environmental Benefit Team Ontario Wins World Fastball Championship Power Worker Wins Gold View as PDF
During the week of June 24th, the Power Workers’ Union held its election convention at the Hilton Suites in Markham for its executive officers: the President and the three sector Vice Presidents. Don MacKinnon was re-elected as president, Bob Walker was acclaimed as Sector 1 Vice President, Brad Carnduff was re-elected as Sector 2 Vice […]
Message from President Don MacKinnon Sector 1 Update Sector 2 Update Sector 3 Update Pensions PWU Training The Regulatory Environment View as PDF
President’s Report Improved Communication Working People Under Threat Health and Safety Electrical Industry Update Ontario College of Trades View as PDF