Submission on the IESO’s Northeast Bulk System Planning April 2022 Update

The IESO provided an update on the bulk system planning for the Northeast region and sought feedback on bulk system planning scope, regional needs, and the potential solutions. The IESO described the insufficient capabilities of the transmission system and identified transmission options including a potential Tx line from Timmins to Wawa. The PWU supports investments to enhance northern grid connections that leverage existing local generation while reducing the north’s dependency on gas-fired generation from southern Ontario. The PWU reiterated its concern that while the IESO is examining alternative generation options, they continue to omit the Atikokan Generating Station from their considerations, even though it represents a crucial balancing factor between the northwest and the northeast. The PWU further recommended that the IESO should base its planning on the higher demand forecasts it is preparing and the increasing importance of the role of the AGS in securing low-carbon energy independence of the north. To that end, the Northeast bulk system plan should not be finalized until the IESO’s Decarbonization and Gas Moratorium studies are completed.

Download the report here
